Backwards with Writings of a Mrs


In response to writingsofamrs challenge:


Doors unlocked,

Alarm not armed,

Lights switches on,

Computers still running,

Customers not leaving,

Work incomplete

Trucks unrepaired

The commute, untravelled,

The ignition, not engaged,

The laces, not tied,

Breakfast, unmade,

Coffee beans intact,

The steps didn’t squeak,

Clothes still on the floor,

Toothbrush dry,

Alarm clock not buzzing,

4:30 not coming,

REM cycle undisturbed,

Blankets still blanketing,

You and I,

In bed.

How i wish we were still there….

Let’s play a Brain Game


Find the word that corresponds to the definition:

1. Permeable by water, air etc. ; begins with po…

2. Physic disorder including the decrease of disappearance of will and choice-making skills; begins with ab….

Put your guess/answer in the comment section below. (don’t cheat by looking at other peoples answers!)

Writings of a Mr.

This is the anniversary poem that I wrote Jenn. She posted it on her blog so I figured I would re blog it here now that I have my own blog.

Writings of a Mrs

Introducing writings of a Mr (otherwise known as Alex)

I don’t think you will see much of his writing on my Blog

but maybe just maybe once in a while I will share more of his beautiful poetry with you.

Thank you Alex for allowing me to share this with the ‘world’.
This is my anniversary poem.




Close to me


In my arms,

I hold you close to me

I’ll hold you close,

For all eternity

 Since our first moment

We were meant to be

Our love keeps growing,

I feel the energy

 And with my hands,

I hold you close to me

I build a home for our family

 I hold your face

I stroke your hair

 I look into your eyes and gaze

 I touch you


 Underneath my fingertips

I feel you shiver

Your body speaks to me

Through my hands

My hands that are…

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